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Media - News & Announcements

Careing Dental Group's website went live in March, 2022. Check out the press releases from that launch here, and here.


More News about Careing Dental Group coming soon!

Careing Dental Group - Our Story

We are an online platform that allows consumers to choose what dental, health and life insurance plans work best for them. We have over 100 national partners that provide easy access to purchase products on their sites. We have over two decades of experience in the dental, health & wellness, and life insurance markets. We also work with employers of all sizes for employee benefits plans.

We not only know the healthcare market and its products, we also know how they work. We have many product options for both health and life needs, and
we can provide affordable solutions to individuals and families. We also can help business owners and employers by designing employee benefit solutions that are very cost affordable and help attract and retain talent.

Media Contact:
Mark W. Roberts

Phone/Text: 214-288-3735

Social Media

(c) 2025  Careing Dental Group   

                 Contact us for quotes: 214-288-3735, or                        


Disclaimer: Not all products are available in all jurisdictions. 

The content on this site Is for informational or educational use made available to the public only and does not constitute medical advice and is not intended to to take the place of either the written law or regulations or to be a substitute for proper medical care provided by a licensed physician, healthcare provider or medical facility. Information resources are designed to help users better understand the health care system, health services research and medical effectiveness, and their own health and diagnosed conditions. Readers are not to rely solely on the information provided on the site and should seek consultations from healthcare professionals to receive personalized advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consumers should be aware of the potential risks of participating in these products, services, or programs, especially for those individuals with existing health conditions. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the electronic documents and resources provided on this Web site. Careing Dental Group is not responsible for the content on any third party websites. Reference on this website to any specific commercial products, process, service, manufacturer, company, or trademark does not constitute its endorsement or recommendation by any federal, state or local government entity. We are not a dental office or dental corporation.

Privacy Policy: Careing Dental Group does not collect, store or sell personal information.

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